Features: - Hiking and trekking long pant. - Slim fit. - Stretch, robust and resistant. - Quick dryinging. - Elastic waist with belt - Inner hem adjusters with elastic cord and stopper - Roll up system - Half flap zip side pockets - Vertical zip and half flap leg pocket - Back half flap zip pocket - UV Protection - Water repellent - Multipurpose design - Nice and comfortable with some elasticity to increase freedom of movement
Specifications: - Weight: 330 Grams
COLOR: Dark Shadow SIZE:EU-L (平置き寸法 全長約1060mm、股下約780mm、腿約270mm、ウエスト約380-500mm)
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下記の説明を良くお読みになられた上でのご質問・ご入札の程、宜しくお願い致します☆ 商品名 ☆新品 Trangoworld トランゴワールド メンズ Elster Dn Pants Regular EU-L ☆ 状 態 新品 内 容
Trangoworld トランゴワールド メンズ Elster Dn Pants Regular EU-L
2way strech 生地のため、足の動きを妨げず快適です。
- スリムフィット。
- UV保護
- 撥水剤
- Hiking and trekking long pant.
- Slim fit.
- Stretch, robust and resistant.
- Quick dryinging.
- Elastic waist with belt
- Inner hem adjusters with elastic cord and stopper
- Roll up system
- Half flap zip side pockets
- Vertical zip and half flap leg pocket
- Back half flap zip pocket
- UV Protection
- Water repellent
- Multipurpose design
- Nice and comfortable with some elasticity to increase freedom of movement
- Weight: 330 Grams
COLOR: Dark Shadow
(平置き寸法 全長約1060mm、股下約780mm、腿約270mm、ウエスト約380-500mm)
通常販売価格:17,830 円(税込)
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